Arkadi Berezovski, PhD
Senior Research Fellow

Research Interests:
My research interest lies mainly in the understanding, modelling, and prediction of the dynamic response of microstructured materials. This means that my research can be divided into the three following major categories:

Thermomechanics of solids with microstructure:
Conventional theories of continua do not provide the description of a microstructural influence because material elements are considered as indistinct pieces of matter. Governing equations of generalized continuum mechanics can be obtained by different ways. It was shown recently that thermodynamic principles and dual internal variables in the framework of a second-order weakly nonlocal theory give a straightforward and simple way of the generalization.

Propagation of waves and discontinuities in solids: Numerical simulations of dynamical problems in inhomogeneous solids meet considerable difficulties in the case of existence of moving discontinuities such as phase transition fronts or cracks. The origin of these difficulties is a constitutive deficiency in the thermomechanical description of corresponding irreversible processes, which leads to an uncertainty in jump relations at moving discontinuities.

Direct numerical simulation of wave propagation in materials with given microstructure:
Various numerical methods can be applied to computing of elastic wave propagation. However, only few of them are stable and accurate at discontinuities. Therefore, numerical simulations are performed by the modification of the finite-volume wave-propagation algorithm, which provides the stable and high-order accurate solution of wave propagation problems in inhomogeneous solids.

Latest updates:

Last talk: 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 2-6, 2018, Bologna, Italy.

Contact Information:

Arkadi Berezovski
Department of Cybernetics
School of Science
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 21
12618 Tallinn, Estonia

Office: Akadeemia tee 21, 209
Phone: +372 620 4164
E-mail: arkadi.berezovski at

Professional Profiles:

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