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SGE Installation

by Pearu Peterson last modified 2007-01-29 15:39

Installing SGE to CENS cluster


This page contains information used to install SGE to CENS cluster.

Initial information

sge-root directory/opt/sge/Must be visible to all hosts, via NFS, installed to master host
Cell name censDefault is default
Administrative user


Cannot be root due to possible permission problems

sge_qmaster port number

536/tcp make sure 536 is unused port

sge_execd port number


Master host

 optmust be stable, not busy, at least 60-120MB unused main memory
Shadow master host -in case master host or daemon fails, runs sge_shadowd; will not use because nodes use master host NFS
Execution hosts optXXX 
Administration hosts opt, optXXX 
Submit hosts opt 
Group ID range for jobs <default> 
Spooling standard 
Scheduler tuning profile 
  1.  in cluster configuration: select global and give some functional tickets in automatic user defaults (50).
  2. in policies: set policies importance factors to 0.01 (posix priority), 0.1 (urgency) and 10 (tickets). give large amount of functional tickets to the system (100000). That's it. if you wish, users with larger/smaller importance can be defined under functional policy button with the corresponding number of tickets.
  3. To establish the order of filling the nodes with jobs (in qmon):
    1. Set Scheduler Configuration/General/Sort by sequence number
    2. In Queue control select the queue/Modify/Attributes for hosts and hostgroups/General/Set sequence number . If sequence number is the same, the load will be used to select a queue by scheduler.
Installation method  
Use ssh to allow X-windows applications
 qrsh xapplication will open xapplication with all requiered X-windows forwarding through ssh. Setup: see HOWTO;

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