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Configuring Spamassassin

by Pearu Peterson viimati muudetud 2009-07-16 17:23

Howto configure spamassassin

  • Login to kev.
  • Create a file ~/cens/.procmailrc containing the following code
| /usr/bin/spamassassin -P
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
  • Execute
cd ~/cens
mkdir .spamassassin
chmod go-rx .spamassassin

To verify that spamassassin is working, check if ~/cens/.spamassassin/user_prefs will be created when you recieve a new mail.

You can add white and black list patterns to user_prefs for tuning spam filtering.

There is also the tool sa-learn, execute

sa-learn --mbox --spam <filename> #for training spam mail
sa-learn --mbox --ham <filename> #for training non-spam (=ham)

NB! sa-learn needs to be exactly the same version as the spamassassin on the mail server! 



Loodud Plone, Avatud Lähtekoodiga Sisuhaldussüsteemi, abil