Cluster install: To do list
- kev/opt server install - Ubuntu edgy [LVM, RAID, CD IMAGE]: Two physical partitions on all harddisks - one for /boot (RAID1 over all disks) and one for use of RAID1-protected LVM (in pairs). Put RAIDed disks in different controllers.
- make stickers optXXX
- make list of ethernet cards <---> optXXX ' : python script to parse /var/logs/syslog and generate the list by switching optXXX one-by-one
- generate dhcp.conf
- initram disk scripts for clients: root-at-ramdisk, use the / of server as NFSROOT and perform changes in ramdisk etc for the clients + var
- boot clients
- sge install on master in /opt/sge
- sge install on clients (execution hosts) (write a script to make it automatic). use batch install (pearu-speak)
- tune sge policy
- define sge queues (small jobs, large memory jobs, ...)
- DNS server through kev
- adjust route table in X-terminals for connection with optXXX
- test xterm in sge using qsh in cluster
- install maple & matlab in cluster (do we reaaallllyyy need it? we don't, but there are some)
- install ganglia monitor
- check all network services ( netstat -l -p ) and restrict them as much as possible.
- write simple HOWTO for use of the cluster. array jobs, qrsh, specify cputime, ram ...
- seminar to explain sge for cens
- enjoy the success and use the cluster. have a beer/kama (marko/pearu)