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Oled siin: Algus Local SysAdmin To do list
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To do list

by Marko Vendelin viimati muudetud 2008-01-24 10:23

This list is in no particular order:



  1. Check why new initrd image doesn't boot cluster nodes
  2. Move all still relevant HOWTO's from kev:/home/doc to cens www-page



  1. WEB: As soon as a folder is Private, make all subfolders/pages/... private as well. Right now, 'private' has to be checked for every page. This page included.
  2. Configure Grey Listing to stop SPAM
  3. WEB: Make CENS web-page English-only



  1. Backup: change server and increase the number of harddisks. Move to RAID1
  2. Re-evaluate backup solutions: is the current solution the best one? Maybe something else should be used? Ideally, we should be able to do the following:


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