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Oled siin: Algus Local SysAdmin Xen 3.0.4
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Xen 3.0.4

by Pearu Peterson viimati muudetud 2007-01-30 11:17

How to install Xen 3.0.3 to edgy for amd64.

Ubuntu edgy Xen 3.0.3 Linux 2.6.17-6 craches!! We will use Xen 3.0.4 Linux from xensource.

The following HOWTO is based on XenOnUbuntuEdgy document but adapted for amd64 platform and has typos corrected.

Hypervisor and Dom0

  1. Install network-bridge utils
    sudo apt-get install bridge-utils python-pam
  2. If /lib/tls/ exists then to disable TLS  with XenLinux 2.6 kernel (see Xen user guide section 2.5.3). run
    sudo mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled
  3. Download Xen 3.0.4 tarball for AMD64 platform, unpack it and in dist directory run
    sh ./
  4. Add the following section to /boot/grub/menu.lst
    title           XEN/2.6.16 (from XENSOURCE)
    root            (hd0,0)
    kernel          /xen-3.0.4-1.gz
    module          /vmlinuz- root=/dev/mapper/cens_vg-kev_root ro
    module          /linux-
  5. Create initrd image:
    sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/linux-
  6. Reboot using XEN/2.6.16 kernel.
  7. Configure XEN by editing file /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp as follows

    (xend-unix-server yes)
    (network-script network-bridge) # using default network device
    # (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth1')
    (dom0-min-mem 3072) # Assuming 4G RAM, if 2 GM, set to 1024
    (dom0-cpus 0)
    (vncpasswd '')
  8. Start Dom0:
    /etc/init.d/xend start

    When this works, create symbolic links to rc2.d


Create file systems and swap:

sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/cens_vg/cens_root
sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/cens_vg/cens_home
sudo mkswap /dev/cens_vg/cens_swap

The idea is to rsync the current cens server to the above partitions and be done with setting up the new cens.
First, we rsync cens homes to /dev/cens_vg/cens_home partitions:

sudo mkdir /mnt/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/cens_vg/cens_home /mnt/sda2
sudo rsync -avz cens:/home/ /mnt/sda2 # enter first sudo pw and then cens root pw when asked
sudo umount /mnt/sda2

Execute (to fix hotblug setup failure)

ln -s -f /bin/sh /bin/bash

Test DomU fiasco

Let us check that XEN works in our hardware. For that we install edgy as follows

sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1 && sudo mount /dev/cens_vg/cens_root /mnt/sda1
sudo debootstrap edgy /mnt/sda1
sudo cp -a /lib/modules/ /mnt/sda1/lib/modules
# fix apt/sources.list, network/interfaces, hostname, hosts files under /mnt/sda1/etc/

Create the following /mnt/sda1/etc/fstab file:

# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/sda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1
/dev/sda3 none swap sw 0 0

Create the following /mnt/sda1/etc/network/interfaces file:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
        dns-search kybi

Fix hostname:

echo fiasco > /mnt/sda1/etc/hostname

When done, do unmount

sudo umount /mnt/sda1

To configure the DomU fiasco, create a file /etc/xen/edgy-fiasco.cfg containing

kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-"
memory = 512
name = "fiasco"
vcpus = 1
vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]
disk = [ 'phy:cens_vg/cens_root,sda1,w',
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
#extra = "init=/bin/bash" # uncomment to set root password in the first boot

To run DomU fiasco with console login, run

xm create edgy-fiasco.cfg -c

Additional notes

  1. When creating DomU cens when Dom0 has multiple network interfaces, check that cens sees only one of them.

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