Cooperation of Estonian and Norwegian Scientific Centres within Mathematics and its Applications. (EU FP6 MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Marie Curie Host Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK). Development Host Scheme Contract MTKD-CT-2004-013909)
The twinning of complementary national “Centres of Excellence” in a joint effort within computational mathematics, combined with the inclusion of experienced third-party researchers, is to create a synergy to achieve strong research results at the frontiers of science that no group can reach on its own. One team will contribute modelling expertise (Centre for Nonlinear Studies, CENS, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) and the other one mathematical theory (Centre for Mathematics for Applications, CMA, University of Oslo, Norway) to the development of numerical methods. Well-focussed interdisciplinary research projects will be solicited to tackle problems in biomechanics and nonlinear wave modelling. An integral part of the research effort will be the transfer of scientific knowledge to CENS in identified areas of need, such as geometry, which is one of the research pillars of CMA in Oslo, and specifically geometric modelling and processing. The scientific achievements will be complemented by targeted efforts to transfer other important knowledge to CENS: the team from Estonia, a new member state, needs to develop collaborations with international industry, through the Norwegian Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research (SINTEF), which is an official partner of CMA. The CENS team also needs to build institutional competence in international project management to be able to take a serious role in Europe-wide research activities, such as in the EU’s FP6 and future FP7, as a mediator for related Estonian industry. In addition the work plans of incoming researchers in Tallinn and outgoing fellows visiting Oslo are to incorporate the development of innovative teaching material at university level (for students in science and technology, and also future teachers) and activities geared towards the popularisation of mathematics to raise societal awareness.